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In the beginning . . . .

As early as 2009 plans to develop programs to conserve the coral reefs were brewing and by 2012 the Coral Triangle Conservancy was founded and funding the Tending Island school. Research was conducted on best practices for marine protected areas globally and 9 locations for marine conservation in the Philippines were mapped out for future projects.  Primary activities included formation of marine protected areas, local capacity building, knowledge transfer, relationship building, perfecting methods for culturing coral reefs, and  education programs.   

Expanding the scope . . .

Continue developing expertise with designing and managing NEOLI locally managed marine areas, more underwater sensors, building electric vessels, mentoring for the Climate Change Reality Project, software enabled radar systems, engaging local government offices, application for grants, expanding marine sanctuaries, and international partnerships.

Evolution of integrated services . . . .

The Reeph EGG mobile command and control center for marine research, technology enabled enforcement, environmental monitoring. Floating school on the electric  VIIRs satellite integration, marine enforcement training, hydrophone and seismic fish bomb sensors, coastal fish watch program, participatory ecotourism, film projects on Netflix for awareness, collaboration with NOAA.